"All things are difficult before they are easy"
What’s it mean to be a man? For some, its strength to take on anything because nobody can be harder on you than you are on yourself. You don’t back down no matter what because whatever life throws at you, you can take it. And you have. Until you don’t. Because you can’t.
Throughout time men have been expected to be strong, brave and aggressive. But the reality is, we aren’t hunting in the wilderness anymore. In some ways those qualities have now failed us. But its because the world has changed and we haven’t adapted. Now we are being called to turn inward by conquering the fears inside that hold us back. Breaking through old beliefs isn’t easy but it can be done. The irony is that real strength is vulnerability. And real power is knowing yourself and owning it.
We criticize ourselves to motivate but don’t always take criticism from others very well. In fact, it can be quite difficult to admit that we’re just not good enough. But on the other side of that is true freedom. Let’s be honest, stoicism is lonely. Staying silent is isolating. And keeping it in, just isn’t working anymore.
Character is built from resilience. Change comes from acceptance of who you are. Its time to take some accountability.